Tips for Springtime Commercial HVAC Prep

March 3, 2022

As you transition from the cold winter to the much warmer summertime, it’s time to think about all those maintenance tasks around your business. One of the most important on your list should be performing maintenance on your cooling system to get it ready to take on its long summer run. Below are some of our best tips for ensuring that your commercial HVAC system is properly prepped for the summer. Schedule Professional HVAC Service An absolute must when it comes to prepping your commercial HVAC unit for summer is to schedule professional maintenance services.

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How to Extend the Life of Your Commercial HVAC System

February 18, 2022

The usual life expectancy of most commercial HVAC units ranges between 12 and 17 years. However, life expectancy is subject to several factors like the quality of installation, proper maintenance care, operating conditions, usage, and HVAC type. You can take several actions to make sure that your HVAC system serves for many years. You should follow these tips to extend its life. Schedule Routine Tune-Ups Many of the HVAC systems in the market do not require high maintenance. However, this does not mean that you should not invest in regular HVAC system maintenance. Your furnace and

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Ways to Fix Uneven Heating in Your Business

February 5, 2022

Having uneven or inadequate heat in your business can be frustrating for both you and your employees, and it could even affect your bottom line. People are obviously happier and more productive when they’re comfortable. The opposite is also true, and you’re likely to quickly end up with grumpy employees is they’re forced to spend their day working without adequate heat. Uneven heating is a very common problem with both residential and commercial HVAC systems. Luckily, there are a number of potential fixes that can help you overcome this issue and ensure your business stays warm whenever the temperature outside

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11 Signs of Ductwork Damage and How to Fix It

January 20, 2022

An HVAC system has a crucial component called ductwork. Ductwork is a network of connections that delivers heated or cooled air throughout the rooms in your organization’s building. Problems with your commercial ductwork can ultimately lead to an inefficient heating or cooling system and huge energy bills. Ductwork problems also result in poor air quality; thus, your business’s or industry’s comfort is not the same. Ductwork is usually hidden from plain sight, so problems with the ducts may be difficult to identify. When you notice problems with your ductwork, your first thought should be to call

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Commercial Furnace Buying Guide: What You Need to Know

January 6, 2022

If you have ever noticed your office’s heating system struggling to keep up during the cold winter months, it may be time to get a new furnace. There are a lot of factors that go into making a good furnace, such as size, cost, and efficiency, and finding the right heater can be a daunting task. The guide below will help you find the best furnace for your needs. The Types of Furnaces There are four major types of furnaces, which you should know before you select one: Natural Gas Furnaces A

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Office Heating and Cooling Systems – What is the Right-Size for your Commercial Space?

December 20, 2021

  Larger companies, like factories, restaurants, and office complexes, have commercial HVAC systems. These office heating and cooling systems provide comfort for the building and its occupants. A commercial HVAC system is sized in tons. The size increases by increments of half a ton. Most small buildings will have a commercial HVAC system of between 2-30 tons. Calculating the HVAC size your commercial space will need is relatively simple. How to Calculate What Size HVAC System You Need  First, calculate the square footage of the area you would

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Building Code Requirements for Commercial Furnaces

December 6, 2021

A building code refers to the regulations that govern the steps allowed or restricted when renovating, adding minor modifications, or constructing a new building. It regulates the construction’s every aspect from the ductwork in your furnace to the wiring in your light fixtures. Even though you may find it tiring to monitor and to update the rules with every new edition, the codes primarily function to enhance your building’s safety. For instance, running a commercial furnace requires the American Society of Heating, Refrigerating, and Air Conditioning Engineers (ASHRAE) Standard 90.1 to deliver comfort. Standard 90.1 is the

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Efficiency Tips for Commercial Heating Systems

November 20, 2021

Running a commercial operation entails a lot more than just telling people what to do. You’ve got to keep an eye on your overhead, and you’ll always be looking for ways to cut expenses. If you haven’t been paying attention, a commercial HVAC system could be costing you a lot more than it should. Fortunately, there are various ways you can minimize those expenses. Here are a few tricks to help your business reduce its operating costs. Regularly Maintain Your Heating System When was the last time you had someone maintain the HVAC system properly? The

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Ways to Save Money on Your Commercial Heating Bills

October 20, 2021

If you are like most people, you go above and beyond to save on energy costs at your home. The main reason is becaue this money comes straight out of your pocket. But what about your workplace? Similarly, you need to strive to save money on heating bills. Moreover, the benefits are twofold: your business saves money, and you help conserve fuel reserves. Read on to find out some of the easiest and most effective ways to save money on commercial heating bills. Set the Thermostat Right Did you know that every 1-degree increase in

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7 Design Tips When Installing a Commercial HVAC System

October 5, 2021

Company office spaces have rapidly changed in recent years. Many businesses are moving away from perimeter offices to open-office plans. These plans provide more natural light, collaborative workstations, open lounge space, and fitness centers that help keep up with modern employees. As office designs change, HVAC system design plans should also take these changes into consideration to boost employee productivity and comfort. Whether you are replacing an old HVAC unit on an existing commercial property or building on your property, you need to plan for the design of your cooling and heating systems. That’s because your

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